Weather conditions observed at 10:30 PM in Stadio PINTO Caserta (CAS):
Temperature: 26.8°C
Relative Humidity: 70%
Atmospheric Pressure: 1011.6 hPa
Wind speed (average on 10-minutes): 0.8 knots from West
Wind Gust: 6.1 knots from SouthWestern
Rainfall accumulated in the last hour: 0.0 mm
Weather conditions observed at 10:30 PM in Stadio S. LAMBERTI Cava dei Tirreni (SAL):
Temperature: 25.2 °C
Relative Humidity: 74%
Atmospheric Pressure: 1009.4 hPa
Wind speed (average on 10-minutes): 1.6 knots from NorthWestern
Wind Gust: 15.0 knots from North
Rainfall accumulated in the last hour: 0.0 mm
Weather conditions observed at 10:30 PM in Stadio Arechi (FBL):
Temperature: 26.6°C
Relative Humidity: 84%
Atmospheric Pressure: 1011.7 hPa
Wind speed (average on 10-minutes): 0 knots
Wind Gust: 13.9 knots from South-SouthWestern
Rainfall accumulated in the last hour: 0.0 mm
Weather conditions observed at 10:30 PM in Stadio Comunale di Cercola:
Temperature: 27°C
Relative Humidity: 59%
Atmospheric Pressure: 1013 hPa
Wind speed (average on 10-minutes): 2 knots from North
Wind Gust: 9 knots from South-SouthWestern
Rainfall accumulated in the last hour: 0.0 mm